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Daring Greatly: by Brené Brown | Summary & Analysis

From Elite Summaries

Book Informations

  • Released: 2018-05-01
  • Language: en


In this self-help book, Brown presents a new ideology for those who struggle with it: it’s okay to be vulnerable. So many people try to put up a front and be tough in life, and it makes it hard for those of us who do so to press on. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we open our hearts and our minds to so many different possibilities in life. A change of attitude can be everything when it comes to our interactions with others. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 10.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 11.0px 'Trebuchet MS'; color: #000000; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} Brown hopes to teach people that fear and shame should not be roadblocks to living your life. By overcoming those anxieties about becoming vulnerable to those we love, and even to those we associate with, it allows us to experience change in our minds on how life should be lived. It hopes to stop you from censoring yourself for fear of ridicule and embarrassment, and open your eyes to being much bolder about things people may view as negative. Be proud of who you are, it’s okay to be vulnerable. The book Daring Greatly has touched the lives of millions, as a New York Times bestseller coming from an author with an extensive background in the human psyche. This professional is spot on with a lot of insecurities and hesitancies of everyone who reads her book, because she understands that, it’s simply something people think about but don’t talk about. Reading this book will be a step to bettering yourself and cementing excellent advice into your life, which can be used in every and any aspect you could possibly come across. Reviewers rave about it, and not because it tries to teach you in a typical fad format, but by being down to earth and relatable. Pick it up today to soothe your fears about vulnerability.




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